Attention HSA Members,
Congratulations to the HSA April 2021 Song of the Month Winners, Ray Wyatt, for his song titled THE GIRL WITH THE TATTOO ON HER ANKLE and to David Hanshaw, for his song titled ONE MORE DAY. There was a tie for Honorable Mention, for the song with the 3rd highest number of votes, going to Jay Harris for his song titled BETTY SUE and to Paul Boedeker for his song titled GREAT BIG ORANGE CANOE. A special thanks to the 17 members who participated in the voting process.
IMPORTANT – Here’s an update from our Webmaster, Danny Liggett, concerning Monthly Meetings and Critiques.
We have made some changes to the On-line Monthly Meeting on the Home Page Area of the website at . Since very few people were viewing the video provided for the monthly meetings, we have discontinued the video and added an oval link on the left-hand side of the page called “Monthly Meeting Information”. This provides the monthly winners and stats for the previous month along with a link to the current monthly mini-workshop on YouTube. The oval link on the right-hand side of the page still includes the current schedule for the Song of the Month submissions, critiques, etc.
The May 2021 Schedule for the Song of the Month entries are as follows:
May 1 – 9 Upload songs for submissions and critiques by members
May 1 – 16 Songs can continue to be critiqued by members
May 17 – 23 Songwriter can revise their song, if necessary
May 24 - 31 Voting for April Song of the Month
“In an effort to continue to improve our critiquing process, we have removed the “check off boxes” previously shown and added an “optional” area for the songwriter to describe the intent of the song and what they are looking for from a critique. This information will be shown on the Critique page when people go to critique a song.
Please let us know if these updates are helpful and if you have any other suggestions to make the Website easier to use, please contact us at
We appreciate your membership and participation in all areas of the Song of the Month submissions, critiquing, and voting. Your fellow songwriters look forward to hearing from you.
Houston Songwriters Association