Attention Current and Former HSA Members:
The HSA SEPTEMBER 2018 SONG OF THE MONTH CONTEST AND VOTING IS NOW OPEN – Eleven songs have been entered into the contest. You may cast your votes for your 2 favorite songs on the HSA website at by clicking on the Song of the Month Area. Anyone (current and former HSA members) registered in the Members Area with a “Y” status is eligible to vote in the contests and offer constructive suggestions to your fellow songwriters. They will appreciate hearing from you. Voting closes on Wednesday night, October 10, 2018. Good Luck to everyone! If you forgot your login information, just send us a message at and we will help you to update it.
The songs entered into the September 2018 Contest are:
Tequila Shots and Forget-Me-Nots by Ron Tintner and Patricia Bishop
Borte (A Mongolian Love Story) by Ben Huynh
Georgia Belle by Andrew Fischer
Just Bidness by Buddy Trotter and Danny Liggett
Skinny Dippin’ by Jim Gill
Miracles Every Day by Regineld Shelton and Jesse Navarro
Old North Shore by Kim Solem
Grandpa’s Words of Wisdom by Patricia Bishop and Jesse Navarro
The Keeper by Melanie Broussard
Anywhere You Are by Rob Barreda
All by Ron Rost