APRIL SONG OF THE MONTH VOTING IS NOW OPEN- Anyone registered in the Members Area with a “y” status may participate in the voting process. Eight amazing songs have been uploaded to the Members Area on the website at www.houstonsongwriters.net. Voting will close on Wednesday night, May 3, 2017.
REMINDER - Due to Mother’s Day, the May meeting will be held on the 1st Sunday, May 7, 2017, at J.P. Hops House, 2317 S. Hwy 6, Houston, TX. Doors open at 1:30PM and the meeting starts at 2:00PM. The May meeting is dedicated to workshops and collaborations as follows:
2:00PM – 3:00PM
Only songs performed live can be critiqued. First come, first served for members who bring an instrument and perform live, can have their song critiqued (don’t forget to bring 15-20 lyric sheets).
3:00PM – 4:00PM
Workshop: Part 1 will be a workshop led by Andrew Richardson and will be about writing songs from conversations.
4:00PM – 5:00PM
Workshop: Part 2 of the workshop led by Ron Tintner will be something building on the lyrical ideas generated in Part 1, using a different approach.
5:00PM – 6:00PM
Discussions, sharing new material, further collaboration.
We sincerely thank everyone for participating at the monthly meetings, song critiques, song contests, workshops and helping to make HSA successful