HSA is very excited to have the amazing, singer/songwriter/teacher in the greater Houston Area, Ken Gaines, present his awesome workshop titled “THE POWER OF CONTRAST: What would light be without shades of darkness? The same applies to any art or craft. This seminar is designed to make the participants aware of and learn how to build contrast into individual songs as well as their entire body of work.” More information about Ken Gaines can be found on his website at http://www.kengaines.com
This is a wonderful opportunity for all songwriters who are interested in brushing up on, learning something new, or wanting to improve their craft, actively participating in an informal setting with their peers. Here are the details:
Date: Sunday, October 6, 2019
Time: 2:00PM to 6:00PM
Location: JP Hops House, 2317 S. Hwy 6, Houston, TX 77077
Admission Fee: $10 for HSA Members and $15 for non-members
If you are interested in attending, please let us know by sending a message to contact@houstonsongwriters.com so we can get a rough estimate of participation.
Thank you all for your membership and participation in helping to make HSA successful.