Attention HSA Members,
Congratulations to the HSA February 2022 Song of the Month Winners, Warren Hanson for his song titled HEART TROUBLE and to Tim Bentley, Josh Walker, Nathan Gard and Mark Bentley for their song titled I WISH I WAS A BETTER MAN. Honorable Mention, for the song with the 3rd highest number of votes, goes to Melanie Broussard for her song titled SHINE. A special thanks to the 24 members who participated in the voting process. You can hear the songs for the February monthly winners on the Home Page of our website at Also, a recap of the February Meeting is shown on the Home Page under Monthly Meeting Information.
MARCH ON-LINE MEETING - The HSA March On-Line Meeting is now open. You can access all of the open areas for the Song of the Month Entries on the Home Page by clicking on Monthly Submission / Commenting Schedule or clicking on the Members Area Page. Reminder: If you have not paid your HSA 2022 Renewal Membership Dues, you will not be able to upload your song until your dues have been paid. You may renew them on-line on the website at, on the Home Page or Members Area Page where indicated.
The March Schedule for all of the Song of the Month entries are as follows:
March 1 – 14 Upload songs for submissions and comments by members
March 1 – 18 Songs can continue to be reviewed by members
March 17 – 23 Songwriters can revise their song, if necessary
March 24 – 31 Voting for March Song of the Month
We hope that all members will participate in commenting on the songs as they are uploaded to the website.
IMPORTANT - IN VIEW OF THE CURRENT COVID SITUATION THERE WILL ALSO BE AN HSA ON-LINE ZOOM MEETING ON SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2022 AT 2:00PM. MORE INFORMATION WILL BE SENT OUT GIVING THE LINK TO LOG INTO. Please let us know if you are interested in attending the ZOOM Meeting on-line by replying to this email message as soon as possible. If the covid level changes and it is possible to have a Face-to-Face meeting at JP Hops House, we will send out a notice on March 7, 2022.
Thank you for your continued membership, support and participation in helping us be successful. If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible at
Houston Songwriters Association