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HSA October 2020 Song Critiques Closed / Song Revisions Open / ANNUAL VOTING

Attention HSA Members,

A special thanks goes out to the 14 members who took the time to critique or offer suggestions to the songwriter(s) who uploaded songs for the October Song of the Month Contest. Constructive critiquing is a very important part of the Art and Craft of songwriting for our Houston Songwriters Association members. It is a teaching method that is just as valuable as learning structure, melody, writing lyrics, etc. Many songs have been revised from the critiques received from our peers. Even if you don’t upload a song in the Song of the Month Area, you can still support your fellow writers throughout the year through the critiquing and voting process. The area for critiquing the October songs is now closed and the period for revising songs is now open.

If a songwriter wishes to “Edit” their song, lyrics or MP3, they may do so from October 17 through October 23, 2020. To edit your song, go to the website at and click on the Members Area, then click on "Edit." This will bring up all of your songs that you have uploaded to the website.

Select the song you wish to edit to make changes to the lyrics and/or add a new MP3, then click on the Submit button. It may take a few seconds to confirm that your submission was successful. IMPORTANT: DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES ON THE SONG TITLE area as it will delete all of the critiques that are shown, but send a message to Danny Liggett at to make the SONG TITLE change for you.

To make sure your changes have been made, go back to the Song of the Month Area to view and listen to your song. You may want to indicate in the top portion of the lyric area what changes have been made (lyrics and or MP3) so that the listener will know that changes have been made prior to when voting opens on October 24 through October 31, 2020.

REMINDER - Once the October Song of the Month Winners are determined, ANNUAL VOTING for the HSA 2020 Songwriter of the Year, Song of the Year and Collaboration Song of the Year Nominations will begin on November 6 through November 30, 2020. The Annual Winners will be announced in December.

NOVEMBER ON-LINE MEETING - The November on-line meeting will kick off the HSA 2021 Season beginning on November 1, 2020 (for the 2021 Season). You will be able to Upload, Critique and Re-post your songs during the Month of November (specific dates will be provided), however, voting for the November uploads will be done after the 2020 Annual Voting is completed.

If you have any problems or questions, please contact us immediately at Thank you all for your membership and participation in helping to make HSA successful.


Houston Songwriters Association

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